Saturday, December 31, 2011

What Is CLA USA Financial Services?

CLA USA financial services is a company that offers financial services aimed at seniors, retirees and those approaching retirement. The company has been in the business of helping seniors preserve their estates and plan their finances since 1984. Unlike many companies that have a broad-based market focus, CLA USA Financial Services concentrates on helping seniors with a conservative planning strategy that maximizes profits and reduces risks, taxes and other losses that can have unexpectedly large effects on the nest egg they've spent their lives building.

People live longer than ever before. In fact, advances to medicine and advances in general health have boosted the average life expectancy far beyond what it was even twenty or thirty years ago. The typical senior set up a retirement plan based on a timeline that is suddenly extended by as much as 20 or 25 years. Today's largest growing population segment is the over-85 senior. This new threshold raises financial issues that past generations never had to consider, concerns about long term planning, lifelong care and estate planning that provides the kind of flexibility that today's seniors need.

To that end, CLA USA Financial Services offers a wide variety of financial planning products and services to assist seniors in arranging their assets in the most advantageous way possible. CLA USA agents are experienced and knowledgeable in the various strategies that can help retirees extend their retirement funds and protect their estates from the erosion of taxes, fees and the rising costs of long-term care and medical care.
CLA USA agents provide seniors with the information they need to choose among the many options for protecting their assets. Unlike many so-called financial planning services, CLA USA doesn't offer a single product or type of product as a panacea for future financial problems. Instead, each CLA USA is trained to help each client assess his or her financial position and review the various financial options that can best protect or enhance that position. Those financial options include such products and services as arranging for surviving spouse benefits, strategic IRA planning, IRA conversions and legacy IRA stretch planning to spread tax liability.

CLA USA representatives also help seniors work through the many tax, legal and financial policies that can affect the size and duration of retirement funds with common-sense estate tax planning and products that help reduce taxes on Social Security and retirement savings. Other important financial strategies offered include insuring against the costs of long term care and catastrophic illnesses with insurance and additional savings, as well as wealth building and estate preservation strategies that help maximize income and preserve as much of it as possible for your surviving spouse and heirs.

CLA USA Financial Services is proud to have been awarded an A+ rating by the Better Business Bureau in many regions across the country, including in the company's home region. If you're looking for honest dealings and information that can help you plan for a secure future, a CLA USA representative has what you need to know.

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